You can blame the bright glow of new technology

Precise News

For thousands of years, the nighttime’s daily darkness naturally told humans it was time to go to sleep.
That’s an evolutionary principle embedded into our brains — and it becomes apparent for those who can’t peacefully slumber at night because of the annoying indicator light that’s part of many household electronics.
Some manufacturers say indicator lights can sometimes serve a practical purpose.
The practical and aesthetic purposes of indicator lights To put it simply, an indicator light just reflects the status of a device, and that varies from product to product.
For example, an indicator light could show that a device is charging or plugged in and working properly.
Those bright indicators are often LED lights.
“As a manufacturer, adding an LED light does cost something, so to add one just to add one seems quite wasteful.
Linhares Jr. also said the lights can be helpful as night lights.


People have been able to automatically go to sleep for thousands of years due to the daily darkness at night. It’s an evolutionary principle ingrained in our minds, as demonstrated by individuals unable to sleep soundly at night due to the obtrusive indicator light found in many home electronics.

Numerous appliances and devices, such as laptops, headphones, and surge protectors, frequently have bright lights that turn on when plugged in and remain on until the product is unplugged. It annoys me greatly in the bedroom.

In author Paul Bogard’s 2013 book, “The End of Night,” which examines the effects of artificial light on society and health, neuroscientist Steven Lockley of Harvard Medical School’s Division of Sleep Medicine states, “Exposure to light at night is a completely unnatural and alien experience.”.

Not only are those lights more prevalent than they formerly were, but many of them are now brighter as well. Certain manufacturers claim that there are instances when indicator lights are useful. However, one thing is certain: people trying to sleep at night simply detest those hard-to-ignore points of light that rob the reassuring darkness necessary for restful sleep.

the answers that we develop.

In the studio apartment he once shared with his boyfriend, 27-year-old Seattle-based public relations professional Kyle Moschen thought it nearly looked like a starry night sky. However, unlike the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh, it was irksome.

Moschen found it challenging to fall asleep at night due to the bright lights coming from a variety of appliances, including the air purifier, the oven, an automatic fan, a fire alarm, and a wireless phone charger.

His answer was to tape those bad boys up immediately.

Moschen told CNN, “I was looking around and I just kept noticing more and more and I felt so confused, like why are there so many lights?”. I put these black electrical tape strips on every light, thinking I was some kind of crazy person. “.

Blackout, or light-dimming, stickers and sheets come in a variety of sizes and shapes, available for purchase on Amazon and other retailers.

For New York-based finance expert Jonathan King, the answer was a little different.

King emailed CNN, saying, “I plug in my Logitech headphones and there’s a little blue light but I really have a hard time sleeping with any light on so I have to either wear a face mask or what I usually end up doing is putting a shirt over the headphones so I don’t see them.”.

Indicator lights serve both functional and decorative purposes.

To put it plainly, an indicator light only indicates the device’s status, which varies depending on the product. For instance, an indicator light may indicate that a gadget is correctly plugged in, charging, or operating. When paired with a phone, Bluetooth devices require them.

LED lights are commonly used in those bright indicators. Making indicator lights with LED lighting is an energy-efficient choice. For a piece of technology that is used on a daily basis, the light’s long lifespan and low heat output are crucial features.

The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics was given to physicists Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura for inventing blue LED light, an indicator color that is common but particularly disruptive to sleep.

In the 1990s, commercial blue LED lighting was first introduced. Consumer electronics appeared cutting edge thanks to the introduction of blue LED, a novel color in the rapidly expanding tech sector.

“Those lights are on there sometimes just for aesthetic appeal, contributing to the gadget’s design, appeal, and user experience,” Electronic Components Industry Association President and CEO David Loftus said in an interview with CNN.

However, a lot of manufacturers manage without them. “Many times, it’s missing because the manufacturer decided not to put an LED status light in it, even though it’s a very cheap device. Or the gadgets are just so basic that they don’t require it, according to Loftus.

Jose Luis Linhares Jr. , senior director of product management at Legrand, a French producer of electrical equipment, stated that the products’ indicator lights are necessary for reasons related to functionality, aesthetics, and safety.

Adding an LED light just for the sake of adding one seems wasteful because adding an LED light incurs costs for the manufacturer. Thus, in our instance, it’s employed on purpose to improve the user experience,” he explained.

Linhares Jr. added that using the lights as night lights can be beneficial.

He explained, “We want the subtle lights to help a customer know where these devices are when the lights are off in spaces where the occupant isn’t familiar with the room—like in hotels, you at least have that subtle light glow.”.

This story was made possible by John Towfighi.

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