Activists say the S.B. 4 immigration law could be a factor in flipping the Texas GOP hold

“I don’t have rose-colored glasses but I look to history, to California’s Prop 187 and Arizona’s S.B.
The federal 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans was set to hear oral arguments Wednesday in a Justice Department lawsuit alleging Texas S.B.
Though it hasn’t taken effect yet because of a court injunction, S.B.
Selene Rodriguez runs the conservative-leaning Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Secure and Sovereign Texas campaign that supported S.B.
More:How SB 1070 helped pave the way for Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency Texas S.B.
The U.S. Supreme Court struck down most of Arizona’s S.B.
The Texas Immigration Law Council’s stated mission is “to protect and promote the rights of immigrants and refugees of all nationalities in Texas.”
Any political consequences of S.B.

The last two times that Republicans attempted to pass legislation in border states that targeted undocumented immigrants, the states turned purple and blue due to the backlash.

However, in red-hot Texas?

Marisa Limón Garza believes a historic moment is unfolding as a federal appeals court on Wednesday considers a legal challenge to a controversial Texas law that targets migrants. This moment is similar to the protests against anti-immigrant laws in California in the 1990s and Arizona’s “show me your papers” law in the 2010s.

I look to history, to Arizona’s S.B and California’s Prop 187, but I don’t wear rose-colored glasses. The executive director of Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, Limón Garza, stated, “I see states that took short-term hits, and I see 1070.”. Several plaintiffs, including this group, are suing Texas regarding Senate Bill 4. However, people altered those conditions. “.

On Wednesday, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit alleging Texas S.B, and the federal 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans was scheduled to hear oral arguments. 4 violates the constitution.

The lawsuit asserts that immigration is the exclusive responsibility of the federal government and was joined with a legal challenge filed by Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center and El Paso County. Texas argues that it has the right to enforce its own borders and that the federal government has failed to do its share of border enforcement.

Despite the fact that a court injunction has prevented it from going into effect yet, SdotB. According to Fernando Garcia, the executive director of the Border Network for Human Rights, 4 is energizing immigrant communities in Texas in previously unheard-of ways. The nonprofit organization located in El Paso, Texas, has partnered with the We Will Resist Campaign Coalition, a group that unites 50 Texas organizations. On Wednesday, participants intended to demonstrate in front of the courthouse in New Orleans.

According to Garcia, “this is an extreme version of what we saw in Arizona in the past.”. As per SdotB. 4. “An investigation into immigration will be conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, along with arrests.”. That is causing panic attacks in our neighborhood. “.

Further: SB 1070 inspired a generation of Latinos to enter politics and run for office.

Are strict measures influencing the immigration debate?

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has taken aim at illegal immigration by erecting a floating barrier in the Rio Grande, deploying National Guard troops to the border, accusing migrant shelters of being trafficked, and now passing a new law that makes it a state crime to enter the U.S. s. It permits the state to impose deportation orders across the Texas–Mexico border.

It remains to be seen if this will cause the political winds in Texas to change, as they did in California and Arizona.

s. A. It’s possible that 4 inspired activists like Limón Garza, who claims to want to shield immigrant families in Texas and stop the unfair targeting of communities of color. However, a large number of Texas voters, particularly those who live in border communities where the majority population is Hispanic, support the strict border enforcement measures.

The Secure and Sovereign Texas campaign, spearheaded by the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation and which provided support to S.B, is overseen by Selene Rodriguez. 4. Her birthplace is a ranching community close to Del Rio, Texas, at the U.S. S. The border with Mexico. She has Mexican ancestry, just like Limón Garza. But she doesn’t think that S.B resistance is real. 4 will not handle anything in the same way as what occurred in Arizona and California—quite the reverse.

There will always be differences of opinion, but more and more people, particularly in Hispanic communities, seem to be in favor of tougher immigration laws, according to Rodriguez. My neighborhood is fed up with attempts at human smuggling.

“Legal and safe immigration is strongly supported in Texas. Millions of individuals entrusting themselves to Mexican cartels and entering the country illegally is what we want to avoid. ****.

See also: How Donald Trump’s ascent to the presidency was facilitated by SB 1070.

Texas SDOT-B. 4 is not the same as California’s Prop 187.

Amid concerns about globalization and an economic slump in 1994, California Republicans led by Gov. Prop was championed by Pete Wilson. 187-87. The law, which was ratified by the voters, mandated that law enforcement officers, medical professionals, and educators ascertain and notify the immigration status of every individual, including minors, and notify federal authorities of any undocumented immigrants.

Vice president for economic and social policy studies at the Libertaraian CATO Institute Alex Nowrasteh wrote in a 2016 analysis that the law “ruined the GOP brand in the eyes of immigrants, their children and whites who were turned off by the nativist appeals – driving all of them into the arms of the Democrats who were pro‐immigration.”.

Yet SdotB. Fourth is not like Prop. He stated that 187 in significant ways. The Texas law, which is framed to target border security rather than interior enforcement, expressly forbids enforcement at certain locations, including churches, schools, and hospitals.

The scope of SdotB. Even though it’s big, 4 is far smaller than Prop. Nowrasteh told USA TODAY, “187. “Border security is a concern even in border communities. They worry about people crossing the border, which lessens the opposition to S.B, even though they are also worried about being mistakenly identified. 4. ****.

Prop was decided by a federal district judge in the 1990s. 187 was against U.S. law. S. the Constitution. A 1999 court-mediated settlement put an end to numerous legal challenges to the legislation. Democrats established a foothold in California after Wilson lost his subsequent election.

Ten years later, Arizona’s “show me your papers” law was aggressively enforced by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who gained national notoriety for it. The ‘U. s. The majority of Arizona’s S.B was overturned by the Supreme Court. 1070 in 2012, citing the supremacy clause of the Constitution as justification for the federal government’s exclusive jurisdiction over immigration. This legal precedent has been upheld by courts for a considerable amount of time.

After losing four elections and being found guilty of contempt of court for disobeying a judge’s order to stop his agency from racially profiling Latinos, Arpaio never ran for office again. Donald Trump later granted him a presidential pardon. ).

Hispanic grassroots groups that originated from the law’s opponents are still involved in politics. After S.B, for ten years. Latinos doubled the number of House seats in the Arizona Legislature in 1070, increasing their representation in the legislature.

Limón Garza stated that she is in contact with the groups in Arizona that opposed S.B and the California activists who spearheaded the opposition to Prop 187, along with other immigrant advocacy organizations. 1070. Additionally, they are forming alliances inside Texas.

“I sleep like that at night,” she remarked. “I believe there will be unintended consequences. Something bad is going to happen. However, it all comes down to strategy and deliberate action. We could return in ten years stronger if we stick to a disciplined plan. ****.

As a result of Abbott’s border initiatives, supporters have already come together to form a new statewide organization that was founded last year. “To defend and promote the rights of immigrants and refugees of all nationalities in Texas” is the declared goal of the Texas Immigration Law Council. “.”.

“A lot of organizing is taking place along the border, ranging from local and national organizations to shelter organizations and legal services organizations,” stated Denise Gilman, co-director of the University of Texas at Austin School of Law’s Immigration Clinic. “I don’t believe that degree of cooperation or shared objectives has ever been witnessed in Texas before. “.

Gov. “Texas will hold the line,” said Greg Abbott.

Abbott currently has a lot of support for his immigration and border policies.

The Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas, Austin conducted a poll in February, and the results showed that over half of the participants “strongly” or “somewhat” supported a number of Abbott’s initiatives, such as sending military and state resources to the border, putting razor wire in the Rio Grande, and erecting or repairing border barriers.

with a salute to SdotB. 4, Sixty percent of respondents agreed that, in the majority of cases, it should be illegal for an undocumented immigrant to be in Texas.

The governor has persisted in funding his border policy with both public funds and political capital.

He pushed House Speaker Mike Johnson to approve border security legislation during their meeting last week in Austin, despite the fact that Johnson had previously assisted in the defeat of a border security bill.

Abbott praised the state’s “sanctuary” city program, which has transported over 108,000 migrants to Democratic-led cities such as New York, Chicago, and Denver. In addition, he has started building a “forward operating base” at the border for the Texas National Guard, which will house 2,300 soldiers.

Abbott declared on X that “Texas will hold the line” in response to migrants who broke through razor wire barriers and rushed the border in El Paso in order to surrender to border patrol officers.

The State Department of Banking. 4 law has not been permitted to go into effect while legal challenges are pending before the courts and are probably going to the Supreme Court. Any ramifications for politics from SdotB. 4 may only be experienced in the event that the law is implemented.

“We’ll have to see how and where it’s implemented if it does clear the legal challenges,” stated Kristin Etter, the Texas Immigration Law Council’s director of policy and legal services.

Unless Texans see firsthand the effects of immigration leaving the state or when they witness friends and family being stopped, they might not fully understand the magnitude of the opposition to the law. “.

You can contact Lauren Villagran via X @laurenvillagran or lvillagran@usatoday . com.

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