The speed of star jets in a world first was revealed by a speed camera


How quickly a neutron star can shoot strong jets into space?
We now have useful data from measuring the jets from a neutron star.
On the other hand, neutron star jets are generally much fainter, and their properties are much less understood.
This is problematic because comparing the jets emitted by various celestial objects can teach us a lot.
With the mass of a star, neutron stars are incredibly dense stellar corpses that resemble large cities.
Neutron star jet research is especially valuable because all these characteristics will influence how their jets are launched.
A cosmic speed camera Time is the measure of an object’s movement between two points when determining speed on Earth.
We have carried out a new experiment to achieve this for neutron star jets, under the direction of Thomas Russell from the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics in Palermo.
A portion of that gas is released as jets, but the majority of it falls on the neutron star.
In a single neutron star system, this pattern was replicated ten times, and subsequently in a second system.
Our cosmic speed camera was provided by these beginning and ending locations.
Remarkably, our measured jet speed was nearly identical to the “escape speed” from a neutron star.
We have presented a novel method for determining the jet speeds of neutron stars.
We will next investigate the variation of the jet speed for neutron stars of varying masses and rotation velocities.
We’ll be able to verify theoretical predictions directly, which will help us get a better understanding of how strong cosmic jets are produced.


As our team has just discovered in a new study published in Nature, the speed at which a neutron star can propel strong jets into space is actually approximately one-third the speed of light.

All across the universe, jets—energetic cosmic beams—are visible. They are created when material, primarily gas and dust, approaches any dense central object, like a black hole or a neutron star, which are extremely dense leftovers of once-massive stars.

On a much larger scale, the jets recycle some of the gravitational energy that the infalling gas releases back into the environment.

The largest black holes at the centers of galaxies produce the strongest jets in the universe. These jets’ energy output has the potential to impact a galaxy cluster’s or even an entire galaxy’s evolution. Jets become an important and fascinating part of our universe as a result.

Jets are commonplace, but the mechanism of their launch remains largely unknown to us. We now have useful information thanks to the measurement of a neutron star’s jets.

jets coming from dead stars.

Black hole jets are typically bright and have been extensively researched. But the jets from neutron stars are usually much fainter, and their properties are much less understood.

This is problematic because there is much to be learned from comparing the jets emitted by various celestial objects. Despite having the mass of a star, neutron stars are incredibly dense stellar corpses—cosmic cinders the size of cities. They are each roughly 20 kilometers across, and we can think of them as massive atomic nuclei.

Neutron stars have a magnetic field and a solid surface, unlike black holes, and gas falling onto them releases less gravitational energy. Neutron star jet studies are especially valuable because all these properties will affect how their jets are launched.

Their velocities provide an important clue as to how jets are launched. It would be a potent test of theoretical predictions if we could ascertain how jet speeds change with the mass or spin of the neutron star. However, measuring jet speeds precisely enough for this kind of test is very difficult.

An intergalactic speed camera.

On Earth, the process of measuring speed involves timing an object between two points. This might be an individual competing in the 100-meter sprint, or it could be a point-to-point speed camera following a moving vehicle.

We have carried out a new experiment to achieve this for neutron star jets, under the direction of Thomas Russell from the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics in Palermo.

The fact that jets are steady flows is what has historically made this measurement so challenging. Consequently, our timer does not have a singular beginning. However, at X-ray wavelengths, we were able to locate a brief signal that would serve as our “starting gun.”. “.”.

Neutron stars are so dense that they can “steal” material from a companion star that is orbiting close by. The majority of that gas falls onto the neutron star, however some of it is released as jets. It becomes denser and hotter as the material accumulates.

A thermonuclear explosion is caused when an adequate amount of material builds up. There’s a nuclear fusion reaction gone awry that quickly spreads to devour the entire star. An abrupt outburst of X-rays is produced by the fusion, which lasts for a few seconds to minutes.

One more stride toward unlocking a mystery.

We had assumed that the jets of the neutron star would be disrupted by this thermonuclear explosion. In order to try and detect the disruption, we therefore trained CSIRO’s Australia Telescope Compact Array to observe the jets for three days at radio wavelengths. The X-rays from the system were also observed at the same time with the Integral telescope operated by the European Space Agency.

We were surprised to discover that the jets became brighter with each X-ray pulse. The thermonuclear explosions seemed to strengthen the jets rather than weaken them. Within a single neutron star system, this pattern was replicated ten times, and subsequently in another system.

If gas surrounding the neutron star is forced to fall inward more quickly due to the X-ray pulse, then this unexpected outcome can be explained. More energy and material can then be directed into the jets as a result of this.

Most significantly, though, is that we can use the X-ray burst to determine when the jets will launch. We measured the duration of their outward migration to detect their appearance at two distinct radio frequencies. Our cosmic speed camera was given to us at these beginning and ending locations.

Remarkably, our measured jet speed was nearly identical to the “escape speed” from a neutron star. The velocity rockets must attain to escape Earth’s gravity is 11 points two kilometers per second. That figure is approximately half the speed of light for a neutron star.

A new method for determining the jet speeds of neutron stars has been made possible by our research. Observing how the jet speed varies for neutron stars with varying masses and rotation rates will be our next task. This will enable us to test theoretical models directly, bringing us one step closer to understanding the process of how such strong cosmic jets are produced.

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