The risk of migraines is raised by up to 70 percent if you use acid reflux drugs

Precise News

Using popular over-the-counter heartburn medications like TUMS or Prilosec raises your risk of suffering from migraines by up to 70 percent, a study suggests.
This included patients taking antacid treatments containing calcium carbonate, which is used in TUMS, or proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec to ease the burning sensation in the chest.
Results showed taking calcium carbonate raised migraine risk by 30 percent, while taking proton pump inhibitors raised the risk by 70 percent.
But this study adds to a growing body of evidence that multiple classes of acid reflux medications could be linked to migraines.
The majority of survey respondents — 960 people — took antacids that either contained calcium carbonate, which neutralizes stomach acid, or were proton pump inhibitors, which block stomach acid secretion.
The researchers found that for those taking proton pump inhibitors, 25 percent reported severe headaches compared to 19 percent for those not using the drugs.
She added: ‘It’s important to note that many people do need acid-reducing medications to manage acid reflux or other conditions.
‘People with migraine or severe headache who are taking these drugs or supplements should talk with their doctors about whether they should continue.’


An up to 70% increased risk of migraines is associated with using common over-the-counter heartburn medications such as Prilosec or TUMS, according to a study.

2,100 individuals who took over-the-counter heartburn medications were among the 11,800 people whose data was analyzed by researchers at the University of Maryland.

Patients on proton pump inhibitors such as Prilosec or antacids containing calcium carbonate, which is used in TUMS, were among those taking these medications to relieve the burning sensation in their chests.

In comparison to individuals who were not taking the treatments, 28% of participants who took antacids reported having migraines in the preceding three months.

The risk of migraines was found to increase by 30% when taking calcium carbonate and 70% when taking proton pump inhibitors.

Scientists cautioned that this might be the case because dehydration is a common cause of migraines and the drugs cause the body to become dehydrated.

Concerns about the results were also expressed, as earlier studies had connected the medications to dementia, a condition that has also been connected to recurrent headaches due to the increased risk of brain blood vessel damage.

Heartburn affects more than 60 million Americans, and millions of them take over-the-counter medications for it each year.

An intense burning sensation in the chest is the result of stomach acid backing up into the esophagus, which is the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.

Previous studies have connected the treatments to a wide range of adverse effects, such as dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and gas.

However, this study adds to the increasing amount of evidence suggesting migraines may be associated with various classes of acid reflux medications.

Researchers examined information from the National Health and Nutrition Evaluation Survey (NHANES), a nationwide survey that is conducted annually in the US on over a thousand adults.

Since only these surveys inquired about migraines or headaches experienced within the preceding three months, data from 1999 to 2004 were utilized.

A headache is not the same as a migraine.

An intense headache accompanied by nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, mood swings, diarrhea, and exhaustion can all be symptoms of a neurological condition called migraines.

They can cause excruciating, throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head in patients, and the pain can last anywhere from a few hours to several days.

The majority of survey participants (960 individuals) used antacids that were either proton pump inhibitors, which prevent the secretion of stomach acid, or contained calcium carbonate, which neutralizes stomach acid.

However, some also substituted H2 blockers, such as Tagamet, which lower stomach acid levels.

Over-the-counter sales are another option for these.

Researchers discovered that 25% of people taking proton pump inhibitors reported having severe headaches, compared to 19% of people who weren’t taking the medication.

Furthermore, compared to 20% of individuals not taking the medication, 25% of H2 blocker users reported having excruciating headaches.

The likelihood of having a migraine was found to be 30% higher in individuals who took calcium carbonate-containing medications than in those who did not.

Additionally, it was discovered that people taking H2 blockers had a 40% higher chance of experiencing a severe headache compared to people taking proton pump inhibitors, which had a 70% higher risk.

Nutrition science expert Dr. Margaret Slavin, who was involved in the study, stated: “These results warrant further investigation given the wide usage of acid-reducing drugs and these potential implications with migraine.”.

Proton pump inhibitors are sometimes overprescribed, and recent studies have linked additional hazards, like a higher chance of dementia, to prolonged use of the medication. ‘.

In order to treat acid reflux or other conditions, many people do require acid-reducing medications, the speaker continued.

“Those who take these medications or supplements for migraine or severe headaches should consult with their physicians about whether or not to continue.”. ‘.

The fact that so few study participants were actually taking heartburn medication was one of the study’s limitations.

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