After a gunman wounded three people at the Texas State Fair last year, organizers took the unusual step of prohibiting firearms at the annual celebration.
The new policy, announced last week, has already sparked a powerful reaction from gun groups and many Republican state officials.
But the Texas State Fair occupies a certain symbolic place in the state, starting with its towering “Big Tex” statue of a cowboy who greets fairgoers.
The shooting last year rattled the city of Dallas and forced a temporary closure of the fair.
“But I will say that I have absolute confidence in the Dallas Police Department and in the organizers of the nonprofit State Fair of Texas to keep people safe.”
The Texas State Fair’s organizers took the unprecedented decision to forbid firearms from being brought into the annual celebration after a gunman left three people injured there last year.
Gun advocacy organizations and numerous Republican state officials have already expressed strong opposition to the new policy, which was unveiled last week. The City of Dallas, the owner of the fairgrounds, faces legal action from state attorney general Ken Paxton if the policy is not changed.
The dispute highlights the challenge of striking a balance between the need to prevent catastrophic outbreaks of gun violence at large public gatherings and state laws that permit more and more people to carry guns in public.
It highlights a deeper division between proponents of gun control who contend that more guns in public places mean a higher risk of lethal violence and those who defend expanded Second Amendment rights as a means of self-defense.
A letter signed by numerous Republican legislators from Texas and several GOP candidates running for office in November stated, “While it may be that your new policy placates some, the result will make your patrons less safe.”. Gun-free zones attract criminal activity because they pose less of a threat to those looking to commit crimes. “.
The platform of the state party demands that “gun-free” zones be eliminated throughout Texas.
The state fair’s organizers stated that they carefully considered their options, “reviewing the policies of similar Texas events and consulting with all of our security partners” before making their decision. Spokesman for the organization Karissa Condoanis stated in a statement that the fair is still “a strong supporter of the rights of responsible gun-owning Texans.”. “.
Under Texas law, nonprofit organizations and business owners are able to forbid anyone—including law-abiding gun owners—from bringing a weapon onto their property. Guns are prohibited at other significant Texas events, such as the Houston Rodeo and important sporting events.
However, the Texas State Fair holds a special symbolic significance for the state, beginning with the tall “Big Tex” statue of a cowboy welcoming visitors. Although Big Tex does not appear to be carrying a weapon, some have speculated that he might have a derringer hidden in his boot.
Lit. Gov. Dan Patrick made the suggestion that the dispute might ultimately go to court, which would carry on the discussion well after the fair opens in late September and continue until October. Twenty.
Mr. Patrick said in a statement, “We trust our courts will uphold this sacred right if litigated.”.
Previously, guns were prohibited at the fair, but permitted Texans to carry concealed weapons. The aforementioned policy persisted even after the Texas Legislature amended state legislation in 2021, permitting the majority of adult Texans to carry a handgun without a permit.
The shooting in 2017 rocked Dallas and resulted in the fair’s temporary cancellation. Court records state that on an October evening, a 22-year-old fairgoer got into an argument with several other men inside a food court, pulled a gun, and fired. According to authorities at the time, he did not have a permit, but he told them that the shooting was done in self-defense.
Operated by a non-profit organization rather than the city, the fair draws millions of visitors each year. In its letter, Mr. Paxton’s office stated that the “implication” is that the city government is breaking state law by preventing holders of concealed carry permits from bringing guns onto the fairgrounds because the event is taking place on City of Dallas-owned fairgrounds.
Republicans haven’t all been against the new policy.
Elected as a Democrat, Eric Johnson, the mayor of Dallas, announced in a statement that he thought the police could handle sufficient security at the fair, implying that attendees did not need to bring weapons to feel safe. Johnson switched parties last year, much to the delight of Republicans.
Mr. Johnson stated, “I do not comment on pending litigation.”. But let me say that I have complete faith in the safety of people at the nonprofit State Fair of Texas and the Dallas Police Department. “.