Kennedy could be challenged in other states because of the ruling that bounced him from the New York ballot

The Associated Press

Kennedy’s campaign says it has collected enough signatures for ballot access in all 50 states and that it is officially on the ballot in 17 states.
Here’s a look at what is happening in New York, what it might mean and other ballot access challenges Kennedy faces.
The ruling Monday followed a short trial in state court over whether Kennedy falsely listed a New York residence on his state nominating petitions.
Clear Choice Action said Kennedy has listed the same New York address on nominating petitions in 17 other states.
Hearings will begin Monday in Georgia on challenges to ballot petitions filed by Kennedy and other-third party and independent candidates.


Albany, N. You Y. (AP) – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. This week, a New York judge struck down the candidate’s petition to appear on the state ballot, dealing a blow to his independent presidential campaign that may cause issues for him when he faces opposition from other sources.

The residence stated on Kennedy’s nominating petitions was a “sham” address he used to maintain his voter registration and advance his political ambitions, according to a ruling this week from Justice Christina Ryba, which prompted Kennedy’s lawyers to file an appeal on Wednesday. Kennedy’s real residence is the Los Angeles home he shares with his wife, the actor Cheryl Hines from “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” according to the challengers, who convinced the judge of this point.

Democratic politicians and their allies have challenged Kennedy’s petitions in more than half a dozen states, including New York. According to some of the challenges, he misrepresented that the petition had issues with signatures or that the same New York address was the focus of litigation in that state.

Challengers in Pennsylvania claim Kennedy’s papers from New York contain an incorrect address, and that he and his running mate showed “at best, a fundamental disregard” for state law and the procedure used to collect signatures. Kennedy’s lawyer claimed that the challenge was full of unfounded accusations. Next Tuesday in Harrisburg, a court will hold an evidentiary hearing.

Kennedy’s campaign claims that it is officially on the ballot in 17 states and that it has gathered enough signatures to be allowed to appear on the ballot in all 50 states.

Both Democrats and Republicans have expressed concern about his candidacy on occasion, believing he could steal votes from their own candidates.

While the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump, has alternated between disparaging Kennedy as a liberal and pursuing his endorsement or the backing of some of his supporters, national Democrats have been particularly active in their attempts to undermine his candidacy.

Here are some thoughts on the events in New York, their potential implications, and other ballot access issues Kennedy is facing.

What transpired in New York? What comes next?

Monday’s decision came after a brief state court trial concerning whether Kennedy had submitted false state nomination petitions claiming to live in New York.

As his listed address, the candidate claimed to rent a bedroom in a friend’s home in the affluent suburb of Katonah. In his deposition, Kennedy stated that he moved to California ten years ago in order to be closer to his wife and that he always intended to go back to New York, where he is a voter.

Kennedy’s true residence is in Los Angeles, according to a lawsuit purchased by multiple voters and supported by the Democratic Party’s Clear Choice Action.

Days after the non-jury trial concluded, Ryba rendered a decision holding that the Election Law does not recognize using “a friend’s address for political and voting purposes, while barely stepping foot on the premises, does not equate to residency.”. “.

The environmental lawyer and scion of a well-known political family declared the appeal on Wednesday, saying he could not recognize the Democratic Party as it exists today.

“In a statement, he said that the party of my father and uncle’s generation was dedicated to advancing voters’ rights and recognized that electoral competition is a crucial component of American democracy.”.

The legal team representing Kennedy additionally pledged to file a request for injunction in New York City federal court. In support of his campaign, the U.S. 12th Amendment is claimed. s. The right to run for president is guaranteed by the Constitution to adults who meet the eligibility requirements; this protection extends to people who must work temporarily in a different state than their registration state but plan to return there.

Would the ruling in New York impact lawsuits in other states if it is upheld?

According to experts, state officials may take note of the final decision made by New York courts regarding Kennedy’s residency.

The USA. s. According to Keith Gaddie, a political science professor at Texas Christian University, the Constitution grants individual states broad authority to oversee elections. He claimed that in order for a candidate to appear on the ballot as an independent, they must comply with stringent requirements outlined in numerous states’ laws, including gathering signatures.

“The question is if it could be used to disqualify RFK Jr. in other states with comparable criteria (like New York). from the ballot, remarked Gaddie. It will happen someplace, even if it doesn’t happen everywhere. “.

Kennedy admitted to reporters last week after court in Albany that a defeat in New York might result in litigation in other states.

Kennedy has reportedly included the same New York address on nominating petitions in 17 additional states, according to Clear Choice Action.

Pete Kavanaugh, the founder of Clear Choice Action, stated in a prepared statement that “it’s up to each state to determine whether Mr. Kennedy violated their laws and statutes by providing a false residence and misleading voters.”.

While some state-level challenges to Kennedy’s candidacy have already focused on the issue of his address, Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News and an activist who supports ballot access for minor parties, expressed doubt that new challenges will arise as a result of the New York ruling.

“I don’t think they can just willy-nilly change the basis of their objection,” the man remarked. “In most cases, I believe it’s too late. “.

Furthermore, he questioned whether other states’ laws “make such a big deal” out of a candidate’s speech.

Kennedy has been challenged elsewhere.

According to Winger, Kennedy’s candidacy has been contested in a number of states, including Hawaii, Nebraska, New Jersey, and Washington, on the basis of various allegations, including issues with his address and the number of signatures required to be eligible for the ballot.

A representative for the Democratic National Committee said that the organization is supporting the challenges against Kennedy’s petitions in Nevada, Delaware, and Georgia. A different lawsuit in New York has the committee’s support.

In Georgia, challenges to ballot petitions submitted by independent, third-party, and other candidates will be heard starting on Monday. Democrats claim that Kennedy’s petitions are invalid due to incomplete or incorrect filling out, among other reasons. The Kennedy campaign contests those assertions.

Clear Choice Action is supporting challenges to Kennedy’s petitions in Texas, Illinois, and Pennsylvania in addition to New York. Kennedy’s listed New York address does not comply with state election laws, according to an attorney for the group who told state officials in Texas, hence his candidacy should be void.


Murphy made a contribution from Oklahoma City. Writers Mark Scolforo, Jeff Amy, and Nomaan Merchant of the Associated Press also contributed.

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