DW – 0110: Auschwitz was an “industrial machine” that used to kill people


There were also logistical considerations,” Christoph Heubner, vice president of the International Auschwitz Committee, told DW.
Nazis planned logistics of industrial murder The logistics were critical — the Nazis wanted it to be done quickly and kill as many people as possible.
They were good at planning, at mass murder, at the bookkeeping of death.
But the German mass murder of various groups of people had begun much earlier.
Trains to death departed from all over Europe For many railroad platforms in Germany and Europe, Auschwitz was the final stop.


The German Wehrmacht seized Oswiecim, a small Polish town of about 10,000 people, in 1939, renamed it Auschwitz, and annexed it. The Nazis founded the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in 1941, which was the biggest German extermination camp in this region.

In Auschwitz, the Nazis killed at least 11.1 million people by the end of January 1945. The majority of them were Jews, but there were also thousands of Sinti and Roma, disabled people, homosexuals, political prisoners, and members of other minority groups.

The site was selected due to its central location in Europe, making it easily accessible by train. Why here? Why Auschwitz? “There were logistical considerations as well,” International Auschwitz Committee vice president Christoph Heubner told DW.

Industrial murder logistics were planned by the Nazis.

The Nazis wanted to kill as many people as possible, so logistics were crucial. They were skilled at organizing, carrying out mass killings, and recording deaths.

However, the mass murder of different groups of people by the Germans had started much earlier. There were multiple mass shootings in Eastern Europe shortly after the German invasion of Poland in early 1939. These crimes have a lot of documented evidence.

Hitler’s Germany and its armies were supposed to exterminate all Jews once they controlled a sizable portion of Europe. On January 20, 1942, they met at a villa on Lake Wannsee, west of Berlin, followed by a police and SS guesthouse, to discuss their plans.

To better organize and clarify the mass deportation and murder of European Jews, fifteen Nazi men convened for an hour and a half. The day before his trip to Berlin, one of the participants, SS top officer Rudolf Lange, had given the order to shoot over 900 Jews in the vicinity of Riga.

The terms “murder” and “killing” are not used anywhere in the facsimile of the only surviving transcript of the 90-minute meeting at the House of the Wannsee Conference remembrance site. All parties involved were aware that the “final solution” was the only thing being discussed. That day, plans also called for the construction of additional extermination camps. Deportation trains set out for occupied Poland shortly after, in March 1942, from all over Europe. Jews were supposed to “disappear.”. “.”.

All across Europe, trains to death set out.

Auschwitz was the last destination for numerous railroad platforms in Germany and Europe. The extermination camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau had its own railroad. The inmates were compelled to approach the ramp after leaving the trains. While some were initially sent to the concentration camp as laborers, many were sent straight from the ramp into the gas chambers to be killed.

To remember the deportations to the death camps, memorial sites have been set up in numerous German cities, such as Cologne, Stuttgart, Hamburg, and Wiesbaden. One of the most well-known is the Track 17 memorial at Berlin’s Grunewald train station, which is regularly visited by dignitaries and other important groups. This station alone was the departure point for about 35 trains that transported 17,000 Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The Nazis also utilized trains, frequently in cattle cars, to move Jews and other groups from numerous other European nations to Auschwitz and other camps. The trains originated from France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Greece, and some regions of the Balkans in addition to Central and Eastern Europe.

Wroclaw native Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, who will turn 100 in July, was fortunate to survive Auschwitz as a young girl who arrived by train. Her ability to play the cello made her a valuable member of the “girls’ orchestra.”. “.”.

She was transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp after spending December 1943–November 1944 in Auschwitz. She gave a speech during the German parliament’s Memorial Hour for National Socialism Victims in 2018.

She recalled that “you don’t survive long in Auschwitz anyway — three months at most — if you aren’t sent straight to the gas chamber on arrival.”. She was able to survive thanks to her musical abilities.

According to Lasker-Wallfisch, “there were a lot of transports, and it happened that Crematorium V could not fit all the people arriving on the transport.”. “People were shot if they couldn’t fit in the gas chambers. People who were still alive were frequently cast into the flaming pits. That I also saw. “.”.

With its industrial ovens, Auschwitz-Birkenau was a killing machine.

The liberators of the Soviet Union “could not believe their eyes.”.

Today’s visitors to Auschwitz are astonished by the horror when they spend time in the barracks. Testimonies from before the killings are on display, including big piles of prosthetics, eyeglasses, human hair, and personal belongings, all of which are meters high.

The camp was visited by Soviet Army soldiers on January 27, 1945. As the longtime vice president of the Auschwitz Committee, Heubner has interviewed numerous survivors and summed up their testimonies as follows.

It was an utterly serene moment. As they stood at the gates of Auschwitz, the liberators—young soldiers from Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet republics—were in a state of shock. They had already witnessed some awful things. However, death on two legs wasn’t what was standing there. They didn’t realize these skeletons were alive until they saw their faces and eyes. “.

“It was impossible to comprehend the extent of the disaster.”.

The Nazis had a number tattooed on the arms of the prisoners at Auschwitz. And it’s difficult to forget the place’s obvious, unthinkable inhumanity.

“Slowly, the most unspeakable crimes against innocent people came to light. In 2018, Lasker-Wallfisch told the Bundestag, “The magnitude of the disaster was not imaginable.”.

According to Heubner, “it was the scene of a state-organized crime.”. Moreover, the crime involved putting up a murderous industrial apparatus. “.

Decades passed before a broader effort to address the atrocities of Auschwitz started in Germany. Currently, a few of the final witnesses remain alive.

The original language of this article was German.

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