Donald Trump announces U.S. Energy Emergency, Saying “Drill Baby, Drill”


U.S. president Donald Trump lost no time in nailing his pro traditional energy credentials to the metaphorical White House mast at his inauguration on Monday, as the nation’s 47th head of state.
Having taken the oath of office, the president declared what he described as an “energy emergency” in the U.S. repeating a rallying cry of “drill baby, drill” from his election campaign.
Other imminent policy measures will follow over the coming weeks as the Trump administration “gets going from day one.”
The inter-oceanic passage became a key energy artery for U.S. oil and gas cargoes being shipped to Asia early in 2018.
We didn’t give the Panama Canal to China.


U. S. At his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States on Monday, President Donald Trump wasted no time in securing his pro-traditional energy credentials to the symbolic White House mast.

The president proclaimed an “energy emergency” in the United States after taking the oath of office. S. repeating his election campaign slogan, “drill baby, drill.”.

Trump’s plea to the U. S. . “We are a rich nation and that liquid gold under our feet that will help us ensure that we keep things that way,” he said, referring to oil and gas companies as a component of American economic strength and energy security.

“America will once more be a manufacturing nation. We will utilize the largest reserves of natural gas and oil that any country on the planet possesses. “,”.

A spokesperson stated that a number of measures pertaining to the energy sector are anticipated to be implemented on Monday through presidential executive orders. As the Trump administration “gets going from day one,” more immediate policy changes will be announced in the upcoming weeks. “..”.

These include an effort to free the oil and gas sector from the stricter emissions rules imposed during the Biden Administration, which included a sector-wide regulatory framework and the former president’s position on net zero emissions. The unwinding of green subsidies, such as support for the New Green Deal, and a halt to offshore wind farms are also anticipated.

Forbes The Presidency of Donald Trump Will Probably Help U.S. A. Forbes’ 2025 Oil Output: The True Reasons for Donald Trump’s Unwavering Hunt for Greenland.

Trump’s inauguration speech did not address it, but his officials also verified that the U.S. S. will withdraw from the Climate Accord in Paris. Trump did this when he was last in office in 2017, but the U. S. . The Biden administration changed its position.

Limiting long-term global warming to 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) over pre-industrial levels is the goal of the agreement; if this goal is not met, temperatures will be kept at least 2 degrees Celsius below historical pre-industrial levels.

In addition to increasing onshore and offshore hydrocarbon production and likely revisiting exploration on federal land, there will also be talks about interconnected pipelines in North America, such as the Keystone XL from Alberta, Canada to Texas, U.S. S.

In addition to executive orders, the president has a conservative majority in the Supreme Court in the event that disputes over energy policy escalate into legal disputes, and he can rely on the Senate and Congress, both of which are controlled by his Republican party.

The U. S. According to the International Energy Agency, it is already the world’s largest producer of crude oil, regularly generating well over 13 million barrels per day.

In pursuit of the Panama Canal.

In an unexpected move, Trump also reaffirmed his intention to target the Panama Canal, a man-made boat route that the United States constructed and finished connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in Panama. S in 1914? On December 31, 1999, Panama took over the canal in accordance with the Torrijos-Carter Treaties.

An important source of energy for U.S. was the interoceanic passage. A. Early in 2018, oil and gas cargoes were being sent to Asia. After the nation’s shale production boom in 2017, the Obama administration lifted a moratorium on U.S. oil and gas exports under pressure from the Republican Party.

The U. S. . Currently, the majority of commercial traffic via the canal is carried out by Chinese vessels. According to Trump, Panama was charging the United States with “exorbitant” fees. A. vessels that favor China and violate the Torrijos-Carter Treaties. The Panamanian authorities denied the assertion.

But Trump pointed out in his inauguration address that: “The U. S. has received appalling treatment from Panama after they were given the canal. This was a gift that we didn’t have to give. China was not granted access to the Panama Canal. We will be reclaiming it that we gave to Panama.

Adding that the canal will remain “Panamanian,” Panama issued another denial in response to Trump’s comments. Trump has placed traditional energy at the center of what he called the “Golden age of America” during his presidency, so this is unlikely to be the end of the issue.

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