The risk of death from heart disease may be reduced by consuming morning coffee, as per research

The time of day you drink a cup of coffee may lower the risk of an early death, new research suggests.
“This study doesn’t tell us why drinking coffee in the morning reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease,” he explained.
According to the research, 36% of those taking part were morning coffee drinkers, and 14% were all-day drinkers.
The researchers found that morning coffee drinkers were 16% less likely to have died compared to those who did not drink coffee, and 31% less likely to have died from heart disease.
“Drinking coffee in the morning may be more strongly associated with a lower risk of mortality than drinking coffee later in the day,” they wrote in the research paper.


According to new research, the time of day you drink coffee may reduce your chance of dying young.

Although the study was unable to determine whether coffee was the only factor, it did find that those who drank coffee in the morning had a lower mortality risk and a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who drank coffee all day.

While the study does not explain why coffee consumption in the morning lowers the risk, Dr. Lu Qi, lead researcher and director of the Tulane University Obesity Research Center, suggested that it might be because later-day coffee consumption throws off a person’s internal body clock.

The study was released in the European Heart Journal on Wednesday.

“We need clinical trials to test the potential impact of changing the time of day when people drink coffee,” Dr. Qi said, adding that more research is necessary to determine whether their findings could be noted in other populations. “.

“The reason why consuming coffee in the morning lowers the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is not clear from this study,” he said.

One explanation is that coffee consumption in the afternoon or evening may interfere with hormone levels like melatonin and circadian rhythms, which are our bodies’ 24-hour cycle of changes in behavior, mood, and physical characteristics.

Changes in cardiovascular risk factors like blood pressure and inflammation follow from this. “.”.

Researchers from Tulane University in New Orleans examined 40,725 adults who participated in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1999 to 2018.

They were questioned regarding the foods and beverages they consumed each day, as well as whether, how much, and when they drank coffee.

Given the effects of caffeine on our bodies, Dr. Qi explained, “We wanted to see if the time of day you drink coffee has any impact on heart health.”.

Additionally, he noted that this was the “first study testing coffee drinking timing patterns and health outcomes,” although previous research has indicated that moderate coffee consumption can have positive health effects.

According to the study, 14% of participants drank coffee all day, and 36% of participants drank it in the morning.

Dr. Qi and his team monitored the participants for almost ten years, examining their medical records and the reasons behind their deaths during that time.

At the nearly 10-year follow-up, 4,295 deaths occurred, 1,268 of which were attributable to cardiovascular disease.

The researchers discovered that people who drank coffee in the morning had a 16 percent lower chance of dying and a 31 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease.

Additionally, there was no decrease in risk for coffee drinkers who drank coffee all day as opposed to those who did not.

In the research paper, they stated that “drinking coffee in the morning may be more strongly associated with a lower risk of mortality than drinking coffee later in the day.”.

But only for those who drank coffee in the morning as opposed to those who drank it throughout the day, the researchers found that higher coffee intake amounts were “significantly” linked to a lower risk of death.

Professor Thomas F. Luscher of London’s Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals posed the following question in an accompanying editorial: “Why would the time of day matter?

“As we wake up and get out of bed in the morning, there is typically a noticeable increase in sympathetic activity [activity that puts your body systems on alert]. This effect diminishes throughout the day and reaches its lowest level during sleep. “.

According to Professor Luscher, it is “possible” that drinking coffee later in the day could throw off our bodies’ internal clocks at a time when we should be sleeping, as the researchers suggest.

“In this context, it is of interest that coffee seems to suppress melatonin, an important sleep-inducing mediator in the brain,” he said, acknowledging that “actually, many all-day drinkers suffer from sleep disturbances.”. “,”.

According to the study, individuals who drank coffee in the morning were less likely to drink both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee than those who drank it throughout the day, but they were more likely to drink tea and caffeinated soda.

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