A beloved beluga whale nicknamed Hvaldimir, who became notorious after being found in 2019 with a harness that sparked rumors it might be a Russian spy whale, has been found dead, according to multiple reports.
Norwegian public broadcaster NFK reported the whale’s body was found floating in a harbor off of southern Norway on Saturday by a father and son who were out fishing.
The 14-foot, 2,700-pound white beluga was taken out of the water by a crane, and experts will examine it to determine a cause of death, NFK said.
RELATED STORY | Scientists discover cocaine in sharks off the coast of Brazil Hvaldimir — a name that combines the Norwegian word “hval” for whale and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s first name — was first spotted by fishermen near Russian waters in April 2019.
The whale was wearing a harness that read “Equipment St. Petersburg” and appeared to be a mount for a camera, sparking rumors that it was a Russian spy whale.
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The military use of marine animals is something that has been well documented over the years, but Moscow never claimed Hvaldimir.
The friendly beluga became a fixture around the waters of Norway, and its response to hand signals and other human interactions led others to believe it may have been a therapy whale of some sort.
According to numerous reports, a cherished beluga whale known by the nickname Hvaldimir has passed away. The whale gained notoriety when it was discovered in 2019 wearing a harness, which raised suspicions that it might be a Russian spy whale.
According to NFK, a public broadcaster in Norway, a father and son who were out fishing on Saturday discovered the whale’s body floating in a harbor near coastal southern Norway.
After being removed from the water by a crane, the 14-foot, 2,700-pound white beluga will be examined by specialists to ascertain the reason for its demise, according to NFK.
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In April 2019, fishermen in the vicinity of Russian waters spotted Hvaldimir, a name that combines the Norwegian word “hval” for whale with the first name of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“Equipment St.” was printed on the whale’s harness. Reports that it was a Russian spy whale began when it looked like a camera mount for “Petersburg.”.
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Moscow has never claimed Hvaldimir, despite the fact that the use of marine animals for military purposes has been extensively documented throughout the years.
The amiable beluga became a common sight on Norwegian waters, and some speculated that it might have been a therapy whale due to its reaction to hand signals and other human interactions.