NASA Goes Forge in Search of VIPER Moon Rover Partner


The Announcement for Partnership Proposal contains proposal instructions and evaluation criteria for a new Lunar Volatiles Science Partnership.
“Moving forward with a VIPER partnership offers NASA a unique opportunity to engage with the private sector,” said Nicky Fox, associate administrator in the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington.
As part of an agreement, NASA would contribute the existing VIPER rover as-is.
The partner may not disassemble the rover and use its instruments or parts separately from the VIPER mission.
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NASA said Monday that it is looking for U.S. assistance to move forward with plans to establish a public-private partnership and land and run the agency’s VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover) mission on the moon in cooperation with industry. S. . offers. The agency’s Artemis campaign will use instruments on VIPER to show U. S. the capacity of industry to gather scientific data and look for ice on the lunar surface.

The guidelines and evaluation standards for a new Lunar Volatiles Science Partnership are included in the Announcement for Partnership Proposal. Responses must be sent by Thursday, February. 20. If the agency decides to make any selections after reviewing submissions, the respondents will need to submit a second, more thorough proposal. This summer, NASA is anticipated to make a decision regarding the VIPER mission.

According to Nicky Fox, associate administrator in the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, “Going forward with a VIPER partnership offers NASA a unique opportunity to engage with the private sector.”. Such a collaboration advances commercial lunar landing capabilities and resource prospecting opportunities while giving NASA the chance to gather VIPER science that may offer additional insights into water on the Moon. “.”.

After NASA released a Request for Information in August, this new announcement follows. 9, 2024, to determine whether American organizations and businesses would be interested in utilizing the agency’s VIPER Moon rover for a mission following the program’s cancellation in July 2024.

A Cooperative Research and Development Agreement would govern the operation of any partnership. This kind of partnership enables the contribution of hardware, technology, and services by both NASA and an industry partner.

Under the agreement, NASA would provide the current VIPER rover in its current state. Potential partners would have to plan for the rover’s integration and successful lunar landing, run an exploration and science campaign, and share science data produced by VIPER. The partner is not permitted to dismantle the rover and utilize its components or instruments outside of the VIPER mission. NASA will give preference to applications that allow the open sharing of data from the mission’s scientific instruments with anybody who wants to use it.

Joel Kearns, the deputy associate administrator for exploration in the Science Mission Directorate, stated that any company interested in improving their lunar landing and surface operations capabilities would gain from being chosen for the VIPER partnership. “This request for proposals asks industry to submit their own complementary science goals and approaches, and it requests proposals that clearly outline what is required to land and operate the rover. NASA is eager to work with the United States. A. industry to handle the difficulties involved in conducting volatiles science in a lunar setting. “.”.

Studies of exoplanets and the solar system are based on the Moon. In addition to providing prospective future astronauts with information about the location of ice on the Moon, knowledge of our nearest neighbor aids in our comprehension of its evolution and the processes that shaped its surface.

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